The town of Lorgnette resides on the edge of Winkie Country. A small town, with only a hundred residents, it was once a farming village but now is known primarily for it’s production of the Emerald City’s green eyeglasses. When the Emerald City was first being built, the Great Wizard of Oz noticed a need to protect the eyes from such an amazing sight, he ventured into Winkie country and came across a small village.
In this village a family known as Glass lived. They were skilled eyeglass makers. The Wizard showed the Glass man a piece of what the Emerald City was being constructed out of and asked him for eyeglasses that could help protect his citizens vision while being in the presence of the beauty of the city. The Glass man took the piece of the city and started fashioning some eyeglasses. A skilled man, he quickly gave the Wizard what he asked for. However, he was not able to return the piece of the city, for he was known to be a clumsy man and had shattered the piece into many shards.
One pair made, the Wizard requested as many as the town and it’s skilled people could make. Other townsfolk joined the Glass man in his quest to make the green eyeglasses. Each new shop was given a shard of the piece of the Emerald City to test their eyeglasses on. These shops now inhabit the east side of the town. The clanking and hissing of metal and glass being heated is all that can be heard beyond the east side of town hall.
Inside town hall lies the largest piece of the Emerald City, where the Emerald City citizen who gathers the glasses from the village tests the eyeglasses before taking them to the city. It also serves as a reminder of what turned the town into what it is today.
On the west side of Lorgnette, is the original farmland and market stands of the old village, tended to by the families of the eyeglass makers. Along with this farmland are the houses of all the townsfolk. They will spend their evenings with families and friends, to celebrate what they have accomplished that day.
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